Christmas in Winter Valley

Ransom Canyon welcomes you back for a Christmas that has everything you’re looking for: romance, family and a whole lot of Texas.

Cooper Holloway would take nature over people any day—especially visiting relatives. That’s why he’s headed for a rustic cabin in remote Winter Valley, where he’ll care for a herd of wild mustangs. But Cooper’s plans are quickly thwarted by the arrival of two unexpected guests: one, a stranger in desperate need of his help, and the other, a very attractive young veterinarian.

Elliott is busy trying to keep Maverick Ranch running smoothly with Cooper gone, which is no easy task with family visiting. And when a long-lost love suddenly reappears in his life, Elliott knows he’ll have more than just books to balance this season.

With a big, chaotic family Christmas around the corner and love blooming in surprising ways, the Holloway men will have to make big choices about the future—just in time for the holidays.

My Review

The books in this series have been hit or miss for me. In this case, sadly, it was a miss. There were too many characters that I became overwhelmed and frustrated. Frustrated trying to keep all of the different storylines and characters straight.

Although, there were two that I really liked a lot. It involved Cooper and Tatum. In addition, there was Tye and Dani. It is nice to read about a relationship where the woman is more mature in her forties. She may not have been like the "models" that were staying at the ranch but I thought Dani was prettier than all of them. I know I was not the only one as Tye found Dani intriguing.

In regards to Cooper and Tatum, it goes back to children are cute. I find them to be a winner in stories; especially the adorable ones. Cooper was so kind towards Tatum. I instantly was engaged in this storyline.

While, I may not have liked this book as much; you can't go wrong with spending the holidays on a ranch in Ransom Canyon.





Jodi Thomas

New York Times and USA Today’s bestselling author Jodi Thomas has published over 30 books in both the historical romance and contemporary genres, the majority of which are set in her home state of Texas. Publishers Weekly calls her novels “Distinctive…Memorable,” and that in her stories “[tension] rides high, mixed with humor and kisses more passionate than most full-on love scenes.” In 2006, Romance Writers of America (RITA) inducted Thomas into the RWA Hall of Fame for winning her third RITA for THE TEXAN’S REWARD. She also received the National Readers’ Choice Award in 2009 for TWISTED CREEK (2008) and TALL, DARK, AND TEXAN (2008). While continuing to work as a novelist, Thomas also functions as Writer in Residence at the West Texas A&;M University campus, where she inspires students and alumni in their own writing pursuits.
Finally, he kissed her more gently than any man had ever kissed her. Both knew they were turning down an untraveled road. Having an adventure. Changing their lives, if only by adding one memory.
When he moved his hand beneath her shirt, he whispered, “I like the way you feel, Danielle. It takes a strong woman to do all you’ve done, but there is a softness to you that I sense.”
His fingers brushed just below her bra and hesi tated.
“Don’t stop,” she whispered. She felt suddenly young and shy and hungry for life.
“Which one, the touching or the talking?” he asked with laughter in his tone. “I want to get this right.”
“The touching. We’ve talked enough.”
He nodded in agreement and continued with the touching.
Silently, each knew they were feeling alive for the first time in a long while. She’d seen that his hands were scarred and rough, but they slid over her like silk. She knew she wasn’t beautiful, but the way he touched her made her believe she was to him. She’d had passion a few times and sex she didn’t want more than once, but she’d never had caring. He touched her as if she was a rare treasure.
Gentle on the eyes whispered through her mind like a melody. It might not be beauty, but it was enough.
Long after midnight, when he kissed her one last time at the back door, she whispered, “I’ll put an extra biscuit on your plate at breakfast as an invi tation to come back some night when I know the house will be quiet.”
His hair was wild, making him seem younger, and his voice was low and rusty. I hope to be fat by the New Year. They were both laughing as he disappeared into the night.


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