A Bookshop in Berlin


My Review

I enjoy reading stories on this topic. It is important to remember history so that we don't make the same mistakes. Sadly; I feel like we have taken a few steps backwards in today's world. Every day you read headlines about racism.

It is people like Françoise, who we have to thank for sharing their stories. While, I can't imagine enduring everything that Françoise did. In a way, I kind of could reading this book. I don't want to take anything away from Françoise but I was only semi engaged with this book. It was not like The Diary of Anne Frank or The Hiding Place.

However, I still found myself interested in what I was reading and at times could not stop reading. Again, I applaud Françoise for sharing her story.


Françoise Frenkel was born in Poland in 1889. Fulfilling a lifelong dream, she opened the first French-language bookshop in Berlin with her husband. Frenkel's bookshop miraculously survived Kristallnacht, when hundreds of synagogues and Jewish businesses were destroyed. But in the summer of 1939, with war looming, Frenkel fled to Paris. She sought refuge across occupied France for the next several years until finally, on her third attempt, escaping across the border to Switzerland, where she wrote a memoir documenting her refugee experience. Her memoir, originally published in 1945 as Rien où poser sa tête (No Place to Lay One’s Head), was rediscovered in an attic in southern France in 2010 and republished in the original French as well as in a dozen other languages. This is its first publication in the United States. Frenkel died in Nice in 1975.


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The second blog today carrying this delightful book. Thanks for the review.
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