Bear Witness
Three years after witnessing the kidnapping of her best friend, Robin, Paige Bellen is expected to continue on with life as usual. Now, with her closest friend out of the country, a messy relationship with Robin’s boyfriend, and a family that handles her with kid gloves, Paige isn’t sure if she’ll ever be able to move forward in life. Bear Witness explores the aftermath of a crime in a small town, and what it means when tragedy colors the experience of being a young adult.
My Review
I picked up this book and finished it about an hour and a half later. Most of the characters in it I could do without and did not care for. However the two I cared about the most were Paige and her older sister, Erin. There was a section in the story that really was the breaking point for me that I connected the most with them. It was when Paige called Erin to pick up her from a party. They share a sister moment. Then there is the moment when I as the reader get to really feel what Paige experienced with the loss of her friend, Robin when I get to read Paige's thoughts as she pens a letter to Robin's killer in prison.
Most of the books that I read where an tragic event has taken place, the story flashes to the present with flashbacks to the past and the tragic event. Yet with this book, it started with the present and went backwards all the way prior some time before the event. So as the story was moving backwards, I the reader got to see and experience Paige's change from a moody, depressed girl to a fun, happy one without a care in the world other than not wanting to give up her stuff animals just because she was growing up.