Fun Times with Maggie Marr

Today's post for The Sunday Salon is my interview with Maggie Marr. She is the author of The Hollywood Girls Club books.

I featured her latest book a couple of weeks ago on my blog. Maggie Marr is a new author for me and I am glad I found her.

Ok, on to the fun part. Here's my interview.

What’s your idea of a relaxing day?

Hmm...perhaps an entire day at a spa? Actually an entire day at a spa with my laptop and my journal as long as neither get wet. And I need some chocolate...and brie...maybe some wine.

Whose books do you like to read?

Oooo...I love to read and my list is so long and ever changing. My new favorite book is The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks by E. Lockhart. The book is so well written! Some other favorites are Jennifer Weiner, Ally Carter, Carl Hiaasen, Toni Morrisson, Harper Lee, Pete Dexter, Tom Perrotta, Sarah Mlynowski, Salmon Rushdie, Janet Evanovich...I could go on for days.

How do you keep your series fresh?

This is book two in the Hollywood Girls Club series and I only see one more book in this series. I don’t think the ladies have much more to say or do that hasn’t been said or maybe knowing when to end a series, actually keeps the series fresh.

Do you use an outline when plotting?

No. But I do, once I reach the middle of my book where I normally get a little foggy, sit down with a piece of lined notebook paper and write down the chapter numbers on every other line and put a five word blurb about the content of each chapter. I usually know my end by this point, so I go to the last chapter and then work backwards to the part that is giving me problems. Somehow this works out all the kinks of the story for me.

Do you follow any rules when writing your books?

I try to write every day, if I don’t I get a little funny in the head. Also, I try to keep my editing on the first draft to a minimum. Then once the first draft is finished, I read the manuscript in its entirety, without editing and then I put the manuscript away. For as long as I can stand it. I am a big believer that my unconscious mind, is always working on my stories and if I give it a little extra time, it will have the most brilliant of solutions. So after waiting at least a week, perhaps two, I then reread the manuscript and get ready to rewrite.

I read that you are working on two film projects titled Paddeyville and King of Pipers are Dahooma Productions projects that will begin filming this spring. Can you describe what they are about?

Paddeyville is a fantastic story about young Irish immigrants living in New York City. King of Pipers is set in Ireland and such a heart-wrenching romance, filled with music, and love and amazingly beautiful.

Also talk a little about the two television projects Pretty Is As Pretty Does and Donor 3660.

Pretty Is As Pretty Does is now named Daughters and is in development. The story revolves around three best friends in their thirties who are the daughters of three best friends. It delves into that delicious relationship that has yet really gone unexplored...the mother-daughter relationship. Donor 3660 is on the back burner for now while I develop a one hour drama with Mandeville Films.

I just love your covers for your books. Who did the art work?

The jacket designs are by the very talented Jennifer O’Connor and the photographer was Marcus Clackson.

You have the Hollywood Girls Club books but do you plan to do any stand alone books in the future?

Yes! The book I am currently working on is a stand alone book set in Chicago. I love it so much and can’t wait for it to come out.

What has been your best experience so far through this whole process?

I love writing. I love the process of writing. I love sitting down at my computer each morning and hearing a voice that tells me a story and trying to craft that story into something fun and brilliant and beautiful. I am so very blessed that writing is my job. This is my dream and my life is so abundant, to have two books published. I truly feel thankful and blessed. So I guess, just the life as an author, is the best part.

What is your one piece of advise for your readers?

Read. Love. Laugh. Not necessarily in that order... xoMaggie

To keep updated on all the latest news about Maggie Marr and what new projects she is working on next. Head on over to her website at

As promised. Maggie Marr has graciously offered two lucky readers a chance to win a copy of her book. Just leave a comment or post a question to Maggie. Also, don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you are one of two lucky winners and I mean lucky. I don't even have a copy of this book yet either. Good Luck everyone! I will pick the two winners next Saturday May 10th.

Thanks for stopping by and come back often.


Anonymous said…
What a cool interview! I've been reading about this author on other blogs, but this is the first interview. :)
Becky LeJeune said…
Great interview, Cheryl (and Maggie)! I checked out both of her titles and they sound super fun!

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