Blind Traveler’s Blues

Review by Nancy

Written a bit into the future, Blind Traveler’s Blues explores agri-science as it will be known. There is a corn plaque, casting millions in South America into starvation and death. The world is fraught with earthquakes, nearly daily and, depending on where you live, possibly great damage.

Douglas Abledan is taking his first vacation since being shot and blinded several years ago. He now uses all of his senses to survive and get around in the chaotic world we have become. He uses a sonic cane which leads him with vibrations. He can read Braille and major steps have been made to convenience folks with “issues” as Douglas has.

On the flight to Chicago, Douglas meets Dr. Cara Cordelia – a botanist heading up one group in a convention to try to find a cure for the corn disease. They hit it off and make plans to meet later after both are settled. She has tea on their flight to calm her nerves and Douglas enjoys the minty aroma. They part at the airport and plan to meet for supper the next day.
Between well-researched history, a great future plot and learning about possible advances in tech- nology you will fly through this book just like I did. Poison, murders, Mexican icons, a sonic cane – what ext??!

Robert P. Bennett
Issues of Disability
Author: The Blind Traveler Mysteries


Harvee said…
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Harvee said…
Sounds like a good thriller/mystery.
Unknown said…
I was just posting on another blog how much I dislike sci fi and then you post this review and temp me to change my mind! Wish I had an e-reader.

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