If you have ever thought about having a baby then you might want to hold that thought until you have read this book. Monica shares all kinds of knowledge or questions that you need to be asking yourself and your partner before taking this major life changing event. There were so many questions that I had never ponder before. This book is not just geared towards the women but also the men. In fact this book is more of a workbook for couples. I even had my husband take the survey near the beginning of the book for men. I got a good idea of where he really stood on the idea of having a baby in the mix as a new addition. Not quite ready but almost there. Me on the other hand is not ready yet. This is fine. I want to make sure that we are both there before we take this journey together. I will pick up this book again in about 6 months to see if our answers change any. This
book would make a good gift for anyone.