Promise Me Eternity

Review by Nancy

If you’re the wife of a researcher; be prepared to take the back burner to mice, rats, rabbits and other critters that come cheap and can be tossed if they die. If you’re married to Dr. Simon Patterson like Helen is; even Dorothy the rabbit upstages you. A plus might be that if his experiment works, Simon Patterson will have discovered the way to a much longer life. Not that Helen is anyone’s idea of a gem. She is shrill, nagging, shrill, beautiful, shrill, nagging….you get the idea. She wants something – ANYTHING – other than what she has. She is openly envious of all who are rich and can travel, vacation in exotic spots and tells them so with every breath.

Then Simon saves the life of a very special man: Carlo Vucci and instantly is in Carlo’s inner circle. Possibly a little too in as Carlo’s wife Christine starts finding excuses to visit Simon at the hospital. Soon they have gotten closer than planned and if a comparison of Helen and Christine, Helen isn’t even on the dance card. The closeness evolves into an affair and, knowing that Carlo will kill them if he finds out, the couple go through many moves to stop that from happening. Alas, you know they never work.

Simon is hiding from Carlo, Catherine is pursuing Simon, someone kills Helen in her bedroom, Simon’s chief assistant is gunning for Simon’s job. Such chaos, several murders and near riots ensue. Someone is double-crossing everyone else and there are several suspects. Figuring it out is the fun part!

Purchase a copy here


Unknown said…
Sounds chaotic! All I could think when I saw the cover was 'like sand in the hour glass ... these are the days of our lives'

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