Hot Chocolate and author Dawn Ireland

Interview questions by Nancy

1. Congratulations on a wonderful story! Where is the world did you get the idea for chocolate heiresses?

I'm so glad you liked the book. Hoo boy... every chocoholic's dream must be to never run out of any form of chocolate, so with that in mind, when I came up with the idea of Bernie being this billionaire businessman, I decided that making billions from people's chocolate cravings was the very best business for this story. Don't you just love the fact that Madge stashes boxes of Alcott's chocolate covered cherries for her "emergencies"?

2. Tossing in some astrology and "seers" was a great part of the story and I was wondering if you, yourself, read your horoscope and visit interpreters?

Yes! I meditate one hour each morning and come up with some pretty deep insights, solve problems in my plots, and then turn to my astrology pals. I read Susan Miller (Astrology Zone), Robert Brown (Writings in the Sky), and a few others on a monthly basis. I have periodic sessions with my astrocartographer Scott Wolfram (The Travelers Well), whom I adore. Plus I'm surrounded by friends who have special gifts, such as Margaret, a fantastic numerologist, Sandy and Gwynne, my intuitive friends. Then there's Tom T Moore's The Gentle Way - I say my MBOs daily!

3. What do you need to write? Music? A special part of your house? Cats? Dogs?

I write in deep silence. When I'm in that zone, it flows. Sometimes when I'm trying to work something out, I wash dishes by hand - there's something about hot, soapy water that loosens the brain cells. Walking is also good to work things out. My dog Shasta used to be my muse prior to her passing. Midnight, my black cat, has taken her spot, but he will never replace her. When I need music, I listen to my Twilight CDs, among others.

4. Could anyone possibly be as naive as Bambi? Please, please say no!!

Trust me... there are Bambi's out there. You read about them every day and wonder how in the world they could believe some of the stuff they're talked into! It appears that common sense wasn't handed out to the masses, otherwise we would not see so many news stories about stupid things happening to people. Makes me shake my head and thank God for my brains and common sense.

Just wait... Bitter Chocolate will have you ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing)!

Thanks, Nancy!

Check out Dawn's website


Unknown said…
What a great interview. This author sounds like my kinda gal. I'm definitely checking Hot Chocolate out!
Dawn Ireland said…
Hi Nancy,

Thanks for your review. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the book! Just wait until I finish Bitter Chocolate. There will be much more to laugh at!

Dawn Ireland

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