Storm Glass

It can be very hard being the only student at school, when everyone considers you to be a one trick wonder. If anyone would know, Opal Cowan would. Opal is a glassmaker. As if only having one power wasn't bad enough, Opal also has to contend with the fact that she poisoned Yelena. Though Yelena has forgiven her and Opal can now call Yelena her friend. Someone or some ones are sabotaging the Stormdancer clan. Their glass orbs are the clan's most powerful weapon against the storms energy. The Stormdancers use the orbs to contain the storm's energy. The problem is that the orbs keep breaking. This is a very bad thing, because for every orb that breaks a Stormdancer dies. The magicians have called a meeting with Opal. They tell Opal that they want her and second magician Zitora Cowan to travel to the Stormdancer clan and help figure out what is causing the orbs to break. It won't be easy as someone is after Opal. Opal will have to dig in deep within herself for the magic th...