Just chatting with author...David Snowdon
Yesterday, I shared my review on The Mind of a Genius. Well today I am happy to give you a little insight into how Mr. Snowden comes up with his ideas but first let me share with you a little about Mr. Snowden.

About David Snowdon -
British thriller writer, David Snowdon was born in London, and lives in London. He started writing in 1983, and wrote his first book, which hasn’t been published in 1984. His first published work, Too Young To die, was published in August 2006. And his second novel, The Mind of a Genius, was published in November 2007.
Writing Regimen
It all starts with an idea. When I get an idea for a book, I consider the idea. And if I think it’s a good idea, I write an outline, do some research and then I start writing. When I get an idea for a character, I determine its characteristics before I start writing about the character.
When I’m working on a book, I don’t write every day, just a few days a week, and for a few hours. Most of the corrections are done after I’ve finished writing the first draft.
To learn more about David Snowdon and The Mind of a Genius, visit http://www.the-mind-of-a-genius.com/ and to learn more about his virtual tour in early 2009, http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/12/mind-of-genuis-by-david-snowdon.html
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