A Sweet Time with Debra Moore aka Moira Reid

I was introduced to this author for one of the review sites I review for. See my review here for Seduction 101 http://www.fallenangelreviews.com/2008/May/Cheryl-Seduction101.htm

So I took a chance and contacted Debra Moore aka Moira Reid to see if she would be interested in doing a interview. She said "Yes". So I present to you my interview.

I want to thank you for taking the time to answer some questions.

Thank you for having me here. It’s an honor just to be asked...I always wanted to say that, and now I know how it feels. :-)

What’s your idea of a relaxing day?

If I have the whole day to myself, I write all day. My butt gets numb, but that’s what I love to do. Let’s suppose for a moment that I’ve gotten all my big fires put out, and I haven’t started anything new...this happens once in a while. On those days, I watch movies...loads of popcorn, loads of butter, and loads of old romance movies. Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind, When Harry Met Sally, etc. Love movies. Oh, and 300...yum city.

Describe your books in one sentence.

Seduction 101, Samhain Publishing: What if your best guy friend in the world offered to help you seduce someone—even though he was in love with you?

Pay Dirt, Cobblestone Press: What if you won the lottery and your whole life went to crap?

Paid in Full, Cobblestone Press: What if you’d tried every way known on earth to meet a man and all you’d found were losers?

Hawkes Abandon, Cobblestone Press: What if you had the chance to see the only man you’d ever loved one more time?

Sunlight-The Vampire Oracles, coming 9/08 Cobblestone Press: What if you were a 100-year old vampire who looked 20 and were in love with your 40-year old human neighbor?

How much research do you do and how do you do it?

I wonder how other people do it. I kind of do it on the fly. I’ll get an idea for a story, plot out the basic structure then start writing. Along the way, I realize there are multitudes of things I don’t know—so I look them up as I go and work them into the story. Is there a better way? I’d love to know it. You don’t know how many times I’ve gotten interested in something I was supposed to be looking up and spent an hour (I should be writing!) reading about it.

What are your heroes and heroines like?

I love humor in books...and hunky, angsty heroes. I try to do that in my books. And I like my heroines to be smart...they are all tending to be blond lately. I am not sure what that’s about. I’m a brunette (naturally) although I’ve been a redhead, blond, sandy-haired...and heaven knows even gray on occasion—although not intentionally. But I love my heroes to be dark-haired. Not sure why...hubby is dark-headed. Could be it. (grin)

What do you do to prepare yourself to write a hot love scene? Do you have a ritual, special music, candles, etc?

I just discovered the bonus of “prepping” for this recently. Music helps a lot. I love that Hallelujah song from Shrek. Also, the Snow Patrol song Chasing Cars. I can get in the mood to write some love with that kind of song playing. A good martini doesn’t hurt anything either although it tends to make me sleepy—LOL Candles? No, haven’t tried that one. Might though. Sounds like a good idea.

What is your favorite thing about being a writer?

The writing. I love the writing. Making up stuff, making it turn out the way I want it to—that kind of control appeals to me. Also, the chance to go back and fix things...don’t always get those chances in real life. And I really like how the good guys always win.

If you could try any other profession in the world. What would it be and why?

Well, I have another profession...I’m the chief financial officer at a sign shop. I wouldn’t say that would be it, however. LOL I wanted to be a flight attendant once after I read Coffee, Tea or Me? But that didn’t work out—my father said, and I quote: “You can do anything you want after you graduate from college.” By the time I’d done that, I was already on the corporate business track to being an actuary. Did that for 7 years, was an internal management consultant for 3 years, then worked for a software development company doing interactive multimedia for a while. None of those jobs were really what I would do, either. LOL Honestly, I can’t think of another job I’d love to do as much as this one. Maybe runway model...but I’m not really qualified. :-)

What did you do with the money from your first sale?

My first sale was actually for a book I wrote and bound together myself, then sold at a RWA conference in the late 1980’s. I made $300 and bought a comb binder with it (which I still have). LOL If you mean the first book I sold to a publisher—I bought my daughter a Nintendo DS and some video games she’d been coveting. The rest I’m saving up for a Kindle.

Is there any genre you’d never write? If so, why?

Never say never, I guess. I’ve written suspense, smokin’ hot erotic, scifi, sweet romance, mystery, ménage, humor, first person, third person, paranormal, thriller, alone, with another person, AS another person...honestly—whatever strikes my fancy at the time.

What is on your bookshelf?

Oh man...what isn’t? Dictionaries, thesauruses, other reference texts, novels, novels, novels, books on CD...empty coffee cups. Yeah...a lot of stuff. I need to dust sometime, too. Man, that is bad. I hope my mother-in-law doesn’t see that. I’ll never hear the end of it.

Can you share any exciting career news?

I have a new book coming out in September 2008 which is part of the Vampire Oracle series at Cobblestone. Another Oracle author, L. Shannon, and I have written A FREE EBOOK for immediate download at my website that includes characters from both of our books. It’s called Steel City Vampires: Welcome Home. Go to http://readmoore.com/free_reads.htm to get your copy!!

What is your one piece of advice for your readers?

Advice for readers? They should be giving me advice. Only thing I can think of is Read Moore...Live Better. LOL Pretty self-serving, isn’t it??

Debra Moore aka Moira Reid
I'm a BRAVA finalist!
Pay Dirt, Cobblestone Press
Hawkes Abandon from Cobblestone Press
Paid in Full-Valentine Monologues, Cobblestone Press
Sunlight-The Vampire Oracle coming 9/08, Cobblestone Press
Seduction 101, Samhain Publishing

Please visit my website! http://www.readmoore.com/


Sarita Leone said…
What a great interview! I'm still smiling over the coffee cups on the bookshelves...maybe because I can understand that so well, LOL. It makes perfect sense!

Thanks for starting my day off so nicely. Have a great weekend!
Debra Moore said…
Thank you so much for doing the interview. I had a great time doing it!
Moira Reid aka Debra Moore
Anonymous said…
What a great interview. I love the "My butt gets numb, but that’s what I love to do." That's lol funny.

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