Side Chick Nation + Giveaway

She’s beautiful, unpredictable—and on the run from dangerous men. But this 
ex-side chick is ready to risk everything to help others in trouble . . . 
Fed up with her married Miami boyfriend, savvy Dulce has no problem stealing his
drug-dealer stash and fleeing to her family in the Caribbean. But when she gets bored in rural Santo Domingo, she escapes on a sugar daddy adventure to Puerto Rico. Her new life is one endless party, until she’s caught in Hurricane Maria—and witnesses the brutal collision of colonization and climate change, as well as the international vultures who plunder the tragedy for a financial killing, making shady use of relief funds to devastate the island even more. Broke, traumatized, and stranded, Dulce’s only chance to get back to New York may be a sexy, crusading journalist who’s been pursuing her. But is she hustling him or falling for him?
Meanwhile, New York-based mastermind thief Marisol already has her hands full fleecing a ruthless CEO who’s stealing her family’s land in Puerto Rico, while trying to get her relatives out alive after the hurricane. An extra member in her crew could be game-changing, but she’s wary of Dulce’s unpredictability and reputation for drama. Still, Dulce’s determination to get justice draws Marisol in, along with her formidable Lower East Side Women’s Health Clinic’s heist squad. But their race-against-the-clock plan is soon complicated by powerful men who turn deadly when ex-side chicks step out of the shadows and demand to call the shots . . .

My Review

This is the first book I have read by this author. I can tell you after reading this book that it won't be the last one either. Ms. de Leon really knows how to write a good story with engaging characters.

Instantly, I connected to both Dulce and Marisol and their stories. Although, I will say that this book was more focused on Dulce. Not that I am complaining as I really liked Dulce. Her story turned out way better than I imagined it would be. When I read the premise of the story on the back, I was picturing her to be more on the weaker side but I was wrong. Dulce grew stronger with every encounter she endured. It really showed during the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Not to be outdone though; Marisol was an intriguing woman herself as well. She really cared for people and wanted to protect and help them any way she could. She was very important to helping to protect her country and her family.

Don't be fooled by this title. This book is more than just being a "side chick". I recommend this book to anyone looking to get lost for several hours on an afternoon.

Instagram tour:

Monday, July 1st: @mixed_matched_socks
Tuesday, July 2nd: @thereadingchemist
Tuesday, July 2nd: @escape_in_a_book
Wednesday, July 3rd: @djreadsbooks
Friday, July 5th: @sarahandherbookshelves
Saturday, July 6th: @mode2geek
Monday, July 8th: @beastreader
Tuesday, July 9th: @ksquaredreads
Wednesday, July 10th: @myreadingchronicles

Check out my Instagram post. Leave a comment on my Instagram post with a five star read recommendation. I copy to US/Canada only. Winner chosen July 12th. If you don't have Instagram, leave your five star recommendation here with your email address. 


traveler said…
The Velvet Hours by Alyson Richman is memorable and unforgettable. Thanks for your lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

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