A Torch in his Heart

About A Torch in his Heart

Paperback: 394 Pages

Publisher: Troubador Publishing (September 1, 2018)

In the long lost ancient past, two men fought over the girl with eyes like the Bosporus under a summer sky. It ended badly. She died. They died.

Since then, they have all tumbled through time, reborn over and over again. Now they are all here, in the same place, the same time and what began so long ago must finally come to an end.

Ask Helle Madsen what she thinks about reincarnation and she’ll laugh in your face. Besides, Helle has other stuff to handle, what with her new, exciting job in London and her drop-dead but seriously sinister boss, Sam Woolf. And then one day Jason Morris walks into her life and despite never having clapped eyes on him before, she recognises him immediately. Very weird. Even more weird is the fact that Sam and Jason clearly hate each other’s guts. Helle’s life is about to become extremely complicated and far too exciting…

My Review

You can say that my attention was grabbed as soon as I cracked open the pages of this book and started reading it. I was swept away by the past and the present lives of Helle, Sam, and Jason. Ms. Belfrage wrote a rich story with developed characters. Yet, as much as I loved this book; I did not feel like I even scratched the layers of the three characters. There is so many more questions that I have that I know will be answered in the second book. Thus the reason I am ordering the second book.

Sam is the evil Prince and Helle's intended match from her past. Yet, as you can guess, she fell for Jason. Now the three are battling for power and love in the present day.

The author did a great job of intertwining the past with the present. Dipping in and out seamlessly. This boo is more of the set up to what I expect to be a big show down in the next book. There was not a lot of action that took place in this book. Just the back story of who everyone was/is.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

About Anna Belfrage

Had Anna been allowed to choose, she’d have become a professional time-traveller. As such a profession does not exist, she settled for second best and became a financial professional with two absorbing interests, namely history and writing. These days, Anna combines an exciting day-job with a large family and her writing endeavours. Plus she always finds the time to try out new recipes, chase down obscure rose bushes and initiate a home renovation scheme or two.

Her most recent release, A Torch in His Heart, is a step out of her comfort zone. Having previously published historical fiction & historical romance, with this first book about Jason and Helle Anna offers a dark and titillating contemporary romance, complete with a time-slip angle and hot & steamy scenes.

Connect with Anna

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Review tour:

Monday, May 13th: Chapters Through Life – author guest post

Wednesday, May 15th: A Fortress of Books

Thursday, May 16th: Sincerely Karen Jo

Friday, May 17th: Treestand Book Reviews

Monday, May 20th: Stranded in Chaos

Tuesday, May 21st: Becky on Books

Wednesday, May 22nd: Bewitched Bookworms

Thursday, May 23rd: Lori’s Reading Corner – author guest post

Friday, May 24th: Openly Bookish

Tuesday, May 28th: From the TBR Pile – author guest post

Wednesday, May 29th: Reading a Page Turner

Thursday, May 30th: Book Reviews and More by Kathy – author guest post

Monday, June 3rd: Cheryl’s Book Nook


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