Mia and Nattie + Giveaway


Join us for this tour from Jan 18 to Feb 5, 2021!

Book Details:

Book Title:  Mia and Nattie - One Great Team by Marlene M. Bell
CategoryChildren's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  32 pages
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
PublisherEwephoric Publishing
Release date:   October 3, 2020
Content Rating:  G for everyone. Family based book for all ages.



Book Description:

Nattie’s mouth was a little crooked. Her legs were a bit shorter than usual, and one horn was too straight, like a unicorn’s horn. But Mia thought Nattie was perfect. In a read-aloud picture book for children who love animals, award-winning writer and sheep breeder Marlene M. Bell presents Nattie the lamb’s true story. MIA AND NATTIE is a heartwarming book that teaches readers about problem-solving, teamwork, and love. On a visit to her grandma’s farm, eight-year-old Mia discovers a newborn, orphaned lamb outside in the cold and takes her to the laundry room, naming her Nattie. As she tries to nurse the lamb back to health, Mia discovers that Nattie is different from the other lambs and struggles to fit in with them like Mia does with other kids her age. When her grandmother says she will sell Nattie to a neighbor, Mia must come up with a plan to keep her friend around—one that will show the family just how special Nattie truly is.

My Review

This is a cute, quick read. I loved Mia and Nattie. Nattie shows that you can be little but mighty. All you need is someone to have your back and believe in you like Mia did. While, I get where Mia's grandmother is coming from in regards to wanting to get rid of Nattie due to farm life. I was not a fan of Mia's grandmother and found her kind of mean. For a young reader book; I think other young kids will share my feelings. 

Other than this complaint I did like this book and I know that my niece will enjoy reading it as well. There are not a lot of long sentences or huge words that she will need too much help with. So, she can read this book mostly on her own. The illustrations are clean and not clustered as well; this way they help the story along without distracting the young readers.  

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Meet the Author:

Marlene M. Bell is an award-winning writer, artist, and crazy sheep lady who resides in beautiful East Texas. Her renown sheep photographs grace the covers of many livestock magazines where she also writes newsy articles about raising sheep from her hands-on experience. Marlene offers the first of her children's picture books, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team which is based on true events from the Bell’s ranch. It's a touching story of compassion and love between a little girl and her lamb. Marlene shares her life with her husband and dreadfully spoiled horned Dorset sheep: a large Maremma guard dog named Tia, and cats, Hollywood, Leo, and Squeaks. The cats believe they rule the household—and do.

connect with the author:  website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ goodreads
Tour Schedule:
Jan 18 – Hall Ways Blog – book review / giveaway
Jan 18 - Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 19 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / giveaway
Jan 19 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 20 – Mystery Suspense Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Jan 20 - Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway
Jan 21 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review /giveaway
Jan 21 - The Momma Spot – book review / giveaway
Jan 21- Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
Jan 22 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Jan 22 - Nighttime Reading Center – book review / giveaway
Jan 25 – Lisa's Reading – book review / giveaway
Jan 25 - Older & Smarter? – book review / giveaway
Jan 25 - Twirling Book Princess - book review / giveaway
Jan 26 – Ice Fairy's Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Jan 26 - Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 27 – Authors.ace – book review
Jan 27 - Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / giveaway
Jan 28 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 28 - She Just Loves Books – book review / giveaway
Jan 29 – Splashes of Joy – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 29 - My Journey Back - book review / giveaway
Feb 1 – Reading is My Passion – book review
Feb 1 - Writer with Wanderlust – book review / giveaway
Feb 2 – Chit Chat With Charity – book review / giveaway
Feb 2 - Cheryl's Book Nook – book review / giveaway
Feb 2 - Reading Authors Network - book review / giveaway
Feb 3 – Laura's Interests – book review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 3 - Westveil Publishing – book review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 4 – Library of Clean Reads – book review / giveaway
Feb 4 - I'd Rather Be At The Beach – book review / giveaway
Feb 5 – I'm Into Books – book review /giveaway

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