Aoléon The Martian Girl: Part 5: The Great Pyramid of Cydonia

Book Details:Book Title: Aoléon The Martian Girl: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Saga - Part 5: The Great Pyramid of Cydonia, written and illustrated by Brent LeVasseur
Category:  Middle-Grade, 130 pages
Genre: Science-fiction and Fantasy
Publisher: Aoléon Press
Release date: February 1, 2015
Available for review in:  PDF
Will send books: Internationally
Tour dates: May
Content Rating: G

Book Description:

Aoléon, Gilbert, Bizwat, Helios, and Zoot make it to their final destination - Cydonia where Aoléon’s parents are being held captive. They infiltrate a secret underground base and are confronted by a small army of sentrybots.

Bizwat lends Aoléon and Gilbert some of his advanced combat skills via a psionic brain dump. However, this may not be enough to save them from overwhelming hostile forces that will do anything to stop them.

They finally meet Pax - the Martian who originally set them out on the mission to discover the truth about the Luminon and his plans to invade Earth. However Pax is not who he seems to be, and through a turn of events, they uncover the true power behind all that has been happening on Mars.

Will they be able to rescue Aoléon’s parents and save Earth from invasion?

Read part 5 to find out!

My Review

I am sad to read this book. Because it is the ending of a journey with great friends, Aoléon, Gilbert, Bizwat, Helios, and Zoot. I have really grown close to all of them through the course of my reading these books. They are truly friends and not just characters in a story.

I had to throw up a fist when the first shooting scene happened and Bizwat where he learned to shoot. Gilbert replied" Duck Hunt" Nintendo Entertainment System. This is because I can remember playing this game for hours. One of my favorite games to play. This was a good shout out to an old classic game.

As always the graphics in this book are breath taking. They just leap off the pages of my computer monitor. They are detailed and colorful.

The big battle at the end was a high note. I was glad that it was not just a short battle as all of this was leading up to the end. Again I am sad to see this story end and hope to see Gilbert and Aoleon again in the future. I had a fun time reading these books.  

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Meet the Author:Mr. LeVasseur enjoys crafting good stories based on lovable characters designed to translate well to multiple media formats such as books, games, movies, and toys. He lives in New York when he is not commuting between Southern California and Olympus Mons, Mars. His hobbies include writing, 3D animation, musical composition, and intergalactic space travel. He also enjoys various sports such as skiing, running, and exospheric skydiving.

Connect with Brent:   Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  Aoléon: The Martian Girl 
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