Book Review: Who Saved Who


Book Details:

Book Title:  WHO SAVED WHO by Roslyn Cohn
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  151 pages
Genre:  memoir
Publisher:  Amazon
Release date:  November 2023
Content RatingPG-13: The author uses the F-Word.
Book Description:

Growing up in beautiful Bohemian 1970s Marin County, the daughter of a funny pawnbroker-jeweler with vision who knew the streets and a warm, independent Mom turned Naturalist-Animal Rights Activist, Roz is an award winning actress who spent 20 years in NYC where she worked on stages from the size of a postage stamp to Broadway. She left NYC and relocated to Los Angeles striving for work in TV and Film and, more importantly, to be closer to her Marin folks. Roz takes us on a quick re-cap of the next 20 years, drawing us into her journey of 2022 full of desperate twists where she didn’t feel there was much purpose left to her life, to the messages from The Other Side and an ultimate life affirming turn that will warm your heart.

Who Saved Who is a book for the dog lover in all of us with the purpose of getting them out of Shelters and into your loving homes. It’s a book you will get a kick out of, possibly recognize parts of your own journey in loving dogs and in finding her own ultimate higher mission. It’s a an utterly enjoyable, captivating, and moving read told through words, pictures and video.

My Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As a dog lover, I felt the love that each dog brought to Roslyn. 
Dogs are so amazing. I know as I have four fur kids. Each one has their own personality and brings something different to the table. Prior to my mom being diagnosed with breast cancer, her labrador, Sunny, could sense and smell that something was wrong with my mom. She never left her side. Even now, Sunny is in tune to my mom and my dad. This meant staying by my dad's side one night when he was having a restless night. 
So, I could understand when Betsy stayed by Roslyn's mom's side. I loved getting to know Diva, Narnia Princess, and Fluke, White Knight. Although when Fluke and Diva both crossed over to the rainbow bridge, I shed tears. About three weeks ago, I recently had to say goodbye to one of my fur kids, so the feelings are still fresh. 
Then there is Kona, Maui, and Naia.  If Roslyn had not adopted, she would never have met these dogs. As Roslyn would say "Adopt don't Shop". If you are a dog lover, you will want to read this book. 
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Author Roslyn Cohn
Meet the Author:

Roslyn Cohn is an actress who has worked from stages the size of a postage stamp to Broadway with the likes of Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Jerry Stiller, Ellen Greene, and Julie Hagerty, as well as appeared in TV, film, and commercials. Roz has won awards in Intimate Theatre (known as 99 Seat) in Los Angeles; awards for her Short “Essential Tremors” about her neurological disorder; and in 2013, with Jake Anthony and Joshua Finkel, co-wrote and stars in the groundbreaking, Broadway World Award-nominated “diffiCult to leave,” about her 23 years in the Cult of Scientology. The entire show lives on her YouTube channel: RoslynCohn. You can visit her at: #WhoSavedWho #ShelterDogsRock #AdoptDontShop

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