In the first Afton Tangler thriller, the unforgiving cold of a Minnesota winter hides the truth behind an even more chilling crime...
On a frozen night in an affluent neighborhood of Minneapolis, a baby is abducted from her home after her teenage babysitter is violently assaulted. The parents are frantic, the police are baffled, and, with the perpetrator already in the wind, the trail is getting colder by the second.
As family liaison officer with the Minneapolis P.D., it’s Afton Tangler’s job to deal with the emotional aftermath of terrible crimes—but she’s never faced a case quite as brutal as this. Each development is more heartbreaking than the last and the only lead is a collection of seemingly unrelated clues.
But, most disturbing of all, Afton begins to suspect that this case is not isolated.  Whoever did this has taken babies before—and if Afton doesn’t solve this crime soon, more children are sure to go missing . . .

My Review

I absolutely fell hard for this book. I could not stop reading it. The only reason I did was because I needed to get some sleep. Yet, this was the first thing I grabbed when I got up the next morning. At that point it was easy reading as I was already half way done with the book. I have to agree some a comment made by one of the characters in this book that "Afton is a pitbull". She not only is fierce but she is determined. There is no backing down once she has her mind made up. She is quick on her feet and smart as a tack on picking up clues and putting the pieces together. This is why I am glad she is the main female lead in this book. Yet at the same time she is a loving mother.

In the beginning I thought this story was going to go a different way and be way creepier. It did not but I am kind of glad it didn't do to the nature of the victims. However it was still very scary. Even the bad guys were strong. This helped to keep the story moving along at a good fast, steady pace. A good ending. I can't wait to read the next book by this author and in this series.


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