Midnight Heat Book Spotlight + Giveaway

Title: Midnight Heat (Black Phoenix #2)
Author: Sarah Grimm
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: December 2, 2014
~ Synopsis ~
She was the only woman ever to rock his world. But this time he'll have to prove he's offering more than just Midnight Heat. The unconscious man wheeled into Dr. Rebecca Dahlman’s ER is sexy—devilishly sexy—and injured. This isn’t just any patient in need of medical help. He is the only man she’s ever loved—the one who still haunts her dreams. Black Phoenix bassist Dominic Price made a mistake three years ago when he walked out on Rebecca. A mistake he plans to rectify. But first he has to convince her to open her heart to him again. One touch of his calloused hands reignites their passion. Can they rekindle their trust as easily, or will her fears cause her to lose him again…this time to a man bent on revenge?
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~ About the Author ~

The youngest of four, Sarah can’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing. In fact, her siblings believe she began writing in utero to pass the time. As a child, Sarah wrote constantly, littering the house with bulging spiral notebooks and ignoring the ribbing of her mother and sister who routinely said romances? in a somewhat scornful tone. Little did they know, Sarah would go on to win a 2011 Readers Favorite Award for her romantic suspense, Not Without Risk, and her interracial contemporary romance, After Midnight would both final in the 2012 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, as well as win the 2012 Romance Through the Ages Award.
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Music drove them to the edge of reason. Only LOVE can bring them back.
Music. It’s always been an important part of my life. Probably more important than most who know me even realize. Take away my books, and I could go on. After all, I’d still have the characters in my head to keep me company. Take away my music…I cringe just thinking about it. I can’t imagine life without music.
There was never a time that music and writing weren’t a very large part of my life. Growing up, our house was constantly filled with music. From Broadway Musicals to Rock n’ Roll, Country to Classical, there was always music playing. On the rare occasion the stereo was silent, my sister was usually singing or one of us was practicing an instrument. That’s just how life was in my house, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
As an adult, I still surround myself with music. Even now as I type, Shinedown is blaring through the house speakers. The only problem? I keep singing along when I should be typing, which is exactly why the only time there isn’t music blaring through my house is when I’m writing. When I write, I need complete silence. That’s not to say that music doesn’t inspire my writing, because it does. In a big, big way.
I began building stories around song lyrics as far back as the fourth grade. A particular lyric or phrase would speak to me, and the next thing I knew I had built an entire scene around that phrase. The song would get stuck in my head and the next day I would have a few chapters scribbled in my notebook based on the theme. In the fourth grade, I wondered if I was the only one who did this. As an adult, I know I’m not.
It was through my love of music that the Black Phoenix series came to be. As teenagers I think a lot of us dream about being the one to bring a rock star to his knees. However as an adult, I realize that twenty-something rock and rollers probably aren’t happily-ever-after material. Which is why my band is older. They’ve made the mistakes young men in the industry make. They’ve done the groupies and the booze, and have matured enough to realize that’s not for them anymore. They’re ready for their HEA. Too bad their heroines don’t always see it that way.
Dominic’s level of pain could be gauged by the way he held himself, and his careful indrawn breaths. The doctor in her wanted to reach out and comfort. The woman in her wanted to reach out for a completely different reason. She’d never had such an irresistible urge to touch anyone the way she wanted to touch him. It had been there right from the beginning, their first meeting, and was still just as strong now.
She fisted her hands to keep from acting on the impulse.
"Can I come in?"
Definitely not. Even injured and surly, he still emanated so damn much testosterone he made her teeth sweat. Her heart did a little flutter whether she wanted it to or not. "That’s not a good idea."
"Have dinner with me." There was the arrogance that had been missing a few moments before. His tone wasn’t commanding, but left no doubt in her mind that for him there was only one answer.
Too bad she couldn’t give it. "I already ate."
His brow furrowed. "Why the bleedin’ hell not? Are you involved with someone?"
"I’m not seeing anyone, no."
At her admission, he stepped closer, invading her space. Heat emanated off him, and although he did not touch her, she felt surrounded by him. "Take a drive with me?"
The low, soft timbre of his voice thrilled her, washed over her skin like a caress, and she fought a tremor. The heat of his body warmed her through her clothes. Wanting to step closer, to press against him and inhale his all too familiar scent, Rebecca stepped away. Physically distancing herself from him. She only wished emotional distance was as easily achieved. "Drive where?"
"Does it matter?"
Not really, since there was no way on earth she was getting in a car with him tonight. Not when just the sight of him had her hormones standing at attention, one whiff of him, her body thrumming. Not after spending the entire day thinking about him.
Did he still hurt over the loss of what could have been? Did he still dream of her, of them? Had he ever?
Dominic blew out a breath and shook his head, his frustration clear. "It’s just a damn drive, Becca."
It was so much more. Acceptance would be the first crack in the barrier she’d built around her heart after he’d walked out. With only the smallest encouragement, he would stop by on a regular basis, invite her to spend time with him. Which would, even if she kept her wits about her and turned him down, lead to more heartache. Just seeing him again made her yearn. Spending time with him was not an option.
She didn’t know why he was back in California. The why didn’t matter. What mattered was that he would be gone again soon. Dominic Price wasn’t the type to hang around. And she wasn’t stupid enough to believe she could change him.
Thank you for hosting my blog tour. I appreciate your help in getting my new release out there.