Audiobook Review: The Hunt


Once upon a time there lived three men bonded by darkness and pain.

Each fighting a past that wants to drown them.

All of them damaged and broken.

None of them complete.

Until her.

She is the glue that holds their mangled pieces together. The key to their salvation.

For her they would burn the world.

*The Hunt is a standalone dark why choose reimagining of Snow White.*

My Review

Noelle may have wanted to act like she was pure as snow but in reality, she needed the guys as much as they needed her. Cas is majority unhinged. You never knew what he was going to do. Kept things interesting. Lorne is dark but his was more of a you are mine, and then there is Declan. He is a tortured soul. He like Noelle needed his brothers. They helped save him. 

I listened to the audio version of this book. Let me tell you that this is one that you would not or (maybe you do) want to "accidentally" play on loudspeaker in an awkward situation. You know the ones I am talking about. When your husband drives your car, and this starts playing. The audio version is so HOT that it will have him turning all shades of red or wanting to role play.  This book is not your childhood version of Snow White! 


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