MC Plays Hide and Seek + Giveaway


Join us for this tour from Jan 5 to Feb 1, 2021!

Book Details:

Book Title:  MC Plays Hide and Seek: An Empowering Story for Healthy Children Who Care About a Person Living with Cancer by Eva Grayzel
CategoryChildren's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  64 pages
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
PublisherMascot Books
Release date:   Jan 5, 2021
Content Rating:  G for everyone.

Book Description:

M.C. is a cancer cell who shares just enough information about the nature of the disease to promote dialogue and minimize fear. The scary part of cancer is the unknown. Learn about doctors who look for cancer. Understand feelings children experience and learn ways to cope. Empower children with knowledge and how to make a difference. M.C. Plays Hide & Seek strengthens communication and builds emotional health.

My Review

This is a nice book. I do think it is simple and easy to read. This book will help young children understand a bit about cancer and not make it so scary. I would have liked to have seen a bit more spent on the effects of cancer. For example: Cancer can change a person's appearance or make them tried and weak. Yet, this is ok because the treatment that an oncologist recommends can help fight against cancer. Then go into the positive that is reflected within the last few pages of the book. Overall, this book does help to start that difficult conversation with young children. 

Buy the Book
Eva Grayzel ~ B&N

Meet the Author:

Eva Grayzel is a motivational speaker, storyteller, and cancer survivor. When her children were five and seven years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. Their fear of losing her was deep, real, and suppressed. When she got a second chance at life, she created the Talk4Hope book series to help children understand cancer and make it less scary.

connect with the author:  website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ pinterest ~ instagram

Tour Schedule:
Jan 5 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / giveaway
Jan 5 - Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / giveaway
Jan 5 - Splashes of Joy – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 5 - Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 6 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Jan 7 – Reading Authors Network – book review / giveaway
Jan 7 - The Momma Spot – book review
Jan 8 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
Jan 11 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 12 – Pick a Good Book – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 13 – 411 ON BOOKS, AUTHORS, AND PUBLISHING NEWS – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Jan 13 - Older & Smarter? – book review / giveaway
Jan 14 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway
Jan 14 - My Reading Journey - book review / giveaway
Jan 15 – Library of Clean Reads – book review / giveaway
Jan 18 –  Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
Jan 18 - Westveil Publishing – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Jan 19 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Jan 19 - Laura's Interests - book review / giveaway
Jan 20 – The Bespectacled Mother – book review / guest post
Jan 21 – Cheryl's Book Nook – book review / giveaway
Jan 22 – Ice Fairy's Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Jan 25 – Reading is My Passion – book review
Jan 26 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 27 – She Just Loves Books – book review / giveaway
Jan 28 – Bookswithpaulak – book review
Jan 28 - Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – book review / giveaway
Jan 29 – I'm Into Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Feb 1 - Instagram: All Booked Up Reviews – book review
Feb 1 - Lisa's Reading – book review / giveaway
Feb 1 - I'd Rather Be At The Beach – book review / giveaway

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