Photos of You

When Ava Green turns twenty-eight, she discovers this will be her last birthday. The cancer she thought she'd beaten three years ago is back, only now it's terminal and she's not going to waste any of the time she has left. All she truly wants is the one thing she's been dreaming of since she was a little girl: a wedding. There's only one problem. She doesn't have a groom.

Ava's friends and family rally around her to help throw the wedding of her dreams -- without the husband-to-be. As word spreads on social media, the bridal planning goes viral, attracting the attention of a prominent women's magazine. And when a photographer volunteers to help document the whole event, it becomes heartbreakingly clear that it's never too late to discover the love of your life.

My Review

I love when I come across a book that just blows me away in a great way. This book did just that.
I loved Eva's attitude towards her diagnosis. The way she approached what little bit of life she had left was refreshing. The idea of hosting a wedding as a celebration of life is a wonderful and beautiful idea.  Death does not have to be a sad thing. People should remember the good things about that person and be able to smile at the memories.

Luckily, Eva had a great support system with her parents and two best friends, Kate and Amanda. They helped to bring the humor to this story. Also. this story has a Prince Charming in James. He was so kind towards Eva. I like that he did not feel sorry for her.

Photos of You is like the grown up version of A Walk to Remember. This book will make you smile, laugh, and cry.

My favorite line in this book was featured at the beginning and end of the story:

"I am star dust; blow on me too hard and I will disintegrate."


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