Heartsick for Chelsea Cain

Last night I was on Twitter and friend and blogger Tara Gelsomino mentioned that FX had greenlit a television series about a female serial killer. The conversation then went like this:

laurakcurtis: So . . . like a female Dexter, or more like a Chelsea Cain character?

taragel: Actually is an adaptation of the Cain novels, FX greenlit

laurakcurtis: Whoa. That’s pretty grim for TV. But could be cool if done right.

taragel: Fitting that it’s FX taking it on, I think. Closest you’ll get to premium cable.

laurakcurtis: Indeed. And FX does Justified, so they might manage it.

taragel: And Sons of Anarchy.

For those of you unfamiliar with Chelsea Cain, her series is about Gretchen Lowell, a female serial killer, and Archie Sheridan, the Portland detective she captured and tortured and with whom she maintains a relationship of sorts. It’s very, very dark stuff.

According to Cain’s site,

The plan is for Heartsick to be season one, season two would be Sweetheart, etc. They would be short seasons, like 13 episodes.

We should note that before this series was a glimmer in anyone’s eye, blogger Tara Gelsomino (taragel above) posted her own Chelsea Cain Heartbreaker Series Fantasy Casting, with her choices for Gretchen, Archie, and young journalist Susan Ward. Tara’s wishing to see this series on screen was ahead of the curve, but now that the show’s a reality, we want to know your picks, too!

For those of you who know the books, what do you think? Can a network pull this off and make it as original and compelling as the books for a full season of television or more?


Marce said…
I have only read the first one, didn't hear about the tv show so thank you.

I think it can be pulled off actually. Guess I need to continue the series.
Cheryl said…
Yeah, I agree Marce that I think FX is the perfect network to pull this off. They push the borders.

I enjoy watching American Horror Story on FX

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