D Is for Dudley & Other Nature Tales

Eleven short stories that celebrate nature are bundled together for your enjoyment. The title story is about the largest terrapin in Tilghman Cove, which is hated by local fishermen and hunted by the Simpson brothers. Valerie and her brother, Doug, must rely on their wits to try to save this elusive creature whose past is part of their family's history. Other stories deal with boys trying to find courage or understand the outdoors, a rebellious girl who adores a thunderstorm more than sunshine, a greyhound that loses a race and is banished from the track with dangerous consequences, and a six-year old girl who competes with a sixty year old farmer to raise and groom the best show rooster. These stories are recommended for middle grade children, ages 8-12, but older readers are welcomed.

My Review

I thought this collection of short stories sounded fun and would be a good read for my nephews. In fact, my nephew read the first story, Stealth Deer. While, there were a few words that he had trouble pronouncing for the most part he was able to read the whole story on his own. The rest of the stories had a few words that would be harder for the younger children to say but the older ones might need minor help. There was a lesson to be learned from the story but it was not really made prominent in the story or at the end.

I went on to read the rest of the stories. Sadly, I have to tell you that most of them did not intrigue me. Additionally, I found that while these stories are geared towards the younger readers that there were aspects of the stories that I found unnecessary like the bickering in Ain't No Fence High Enough, killing of rats in Delirious With Rain, a rabid dog in In the Footsteps of Robert Running Bear. There were a few stories I did like: Springtime Shenanigans, The Blooper, D is for Dudley, and Bark is a 4 Letter Word.


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