After All is Said and Done

review by Nancy
Two couples who seem to have it all. Two sets of physicians who, unfortunately, can’t seem to heal themselves. One tiny baby in the midst of chaos he couldn’t even begin to understand. Five lives torn apart.

In After All is Said and Done, Belinda Buchanan touches on many topics. Fidelity is one and there was a serious lack of that prior to the beginning of this tale. Honesty? Out the window. Secrets? Went with honesty.

Jessica Harrington had an affair with her husband’s clinic partner’s hubby. They have moved past that with the soon to appear baby Jess is expecting. Ethan, Jess’ husband is content in his free clinic work and Sarah Williams, his clinic partner has forgiven her husband, Gavin as well. Until something happens that changes all their lives forever – the baby. Ryan comes a tad early but is fine. The adults aren’t so lucky.

Ryan is Gavin’s son. A one-night stand long after the affair supposedly ended. Everyone wants him but Ethan most of all. His own childhood was not pleasant and he has longed for a child ever since he first saw Jessica. The betrayal changes him in ways no one expects.

This is a long book. I stayed up all night because I just had to see the end. The characters are very well thought out and the writing is superb. The ending is a total surprise and I closed the last page feeling that, finally, all was well. Enjoy!


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