Book Review: Loose End


A one night stand with a sexy stranger? No names, no strings? It sure isn't how I thought I’d be spending my wedding night.

Today was an epic disaster. I was supposed to be walking down the aisle in front of all my friends and family, getting married to a man I thought I was supposed to be spending the rest of my life with, not drowning my sorrows in a vodka soda.

But after finding my fiancé intimately getting to know his best man, I was out of options…and a groom. So I hiked up my wedding dress and walked to the nearest bar.

In my defense, I wasn’t looking for a one night stand, but then he came in with his irresistible dimples, his gigantic muscles, and a smirk that knocked the tiara straight off my head. He was arrogant, charming, and offered me more orgasms in one night than I’ve had in my entire life.

I’m not ready for a relationship, but maybe one night with my Prince Charming is exactly what I need to put this day behind me.

Especially if he can make Good on all of his promises.

My Review

I really enjoyed this novella to kick off this new football romance series. It is a spicy, quick read. Looking forward to reading the full-length story of Ryan and June's story. It is sure to be filled with more spicy goodness. 

June really deserved a hot, romp in bed after finding her fiancé cheating on her. The way that Ryan demanded that June sit on his face, got me all hot and bothered. The way that he made sure to take care of June is very sexy. 


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